Why not opening starting a new thing? Tips friends MUST share. Like the things on the clearance rack next door. only that wouldn't help. so something more easily available (= online) The thing you have to send the link at once, typo, missing link and all. -hopefully I won't :-) Today, it is that Fliqio screensaver I've coveted after admiring it on every decorator's mac. Downloadable for free here.
If I had a lot of money (i.e. donated my fortune to Doctors without Borders and still had few dollars to play with), I'd probably buy a Jag. Just saying.
Anyways, back to business. Have you heard/smelled these Scent of Departure perfumes?
Each perfume is inspired by a city. Good concept if you ask me. Although I would probably use it as a room fragrance rather. It should be long before New Orleans, Rome, Paris or Mumbay arrive. I'm tempted to submit our home town. Strasbourg... What do you think? Still have to finetune the description.