Friday, 27 August 2010

On Display and background paper

Here at OnYourBikeSunshine, we looooooooove anything resembling printer trays, little wooden houses, old crates, in other words a small shelving system perfectly displaying your cutest (kitschest?) finds.

Few days ago, Decor8 wrote this post on Shannon Fricke's scrumptious wallpaper cabinet.

About the same time, HausMaus showed us her
flea market finds and Jane Schouten's revamped wooden houses.

I had long been looking for something to welcome my tiny black elephants and had found a month ago a plain black square comparted tray.
After almost venturing painting it white or a very light mint green (which could have given an interesting contrast with the deep black...), meaning I would probably have need at least three coats of paint... I decided to keep it black for the time being (matching the elephants) and opted for lighter shades as background. a mix of paint swatches and scrapbook paper.

More pix when finished!

Paint swatches, brilliant idea! I like that pink, the one next to the yellow. Lovely!

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