Thursday, 30 September 2010

hurray hurray!

'Tis (almost) the season to be jolly! Yes, am again/already in the Xmas decor mood.
Last year I missed these gorgeous bulbs from West Elm.
The full story is : a lady took all of them in the store while I was there wanting to buy just one ($9 per bulb being somewhat over my budget).
But no, she wouldn't even leave one for me, and bought the whole 29 they had. She came from overseas, blablabla.

Anyway, karma's a b---, girl. Have some broke on the plane on your way back? hmmm, too bad, cause I will be able to get mine this year. And even if you paid me, I wouldn't get you new ones. Help yourself, you're so good at it, dear.

Anyway, West Elm has them back!!! Yeahhhh!

Also from WE, this short vid. Simple and full of cute examples.
I like their papiermache covered topiary as well...

David Stark Holiday Collection from west elm on Vimeo.

A peine en avance, encore des décos de Noël!
West Elm réédite cette année les boules que j'ai failli avoir l'an dernier...
Et une ptite vidéo bourrée d'idées en prime!

Friday, 17 September 2010

corners of home

An old Coca-Cola bottle tray hiding a socket and showing my private collection of Réré's brooches, few unused door knobs and bits and pieces I particularly like.

(une vieille caisse Coca-Cola cachant une prise et montrant ma collection privée de broches made in Réré, des boutons de portes n'ayant pas trouve porte a leur pied et des petits trucs bidules que j'aime bien...)


Thursday, 9 September 2010

Leftovers (finished)

Nice surprise to see how the paint once dry has kept all details apparent.

(contente de voir que la peinture a conserve tous les details des glands)

Wednesday, 8 September 2010


Not that anybody particularly cares, but I as said we're almost moving. This however changes everything here.
It means :
1. no crafting in December...right before Xmas......
2. bad need to get rid of leftover paint.

End result : I'm starting/finishing now little Xmas decor I'll keep with us. Here using oak branches and acorns fallen from our Hawthorne oak (courtesy of Tropical Storm Hermine/ it's hurricane season here!) and bottom of paint pots.
Let's see how it turns out!

(Je me répète : on déménage bientôt -pas que cela intéresse gd monde...
mais cela signifie pas de bricolage en Décembre, juste avant Noël :-( et un besoin impératif de vider les fonds de pots de peinture...
les branches de chêne avec les petits glands ont été gracieusement 'posés' dans notre jardin ces derniers jours par la tempête tropicale Hermine)

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Good Bed Head

Another cheapo paint project I have finished...just two months ago.....and I hadn't posted.
Total cost : $2!

okay, $3 if I add one buck for a Dollar Store painter plastic blanket to keep my garage floor clean while painting....
The shutters were doors from a long gone wetbar (before we bought the house) and the paint an 'oops' (=returned yet new) pot from Lowes... Before :


(deux dol, allez trois en comptant la bâche en plastique pour peindre proprement dans notre garage ces portes de 'wetbar' qui attendaient patiemment leur comeback magistral sous forme de tête de lit...les frais colossaux sont pour un pot tout neuf de peinture soldée (retournée par un client ayant ss doute changé d'avis chez Lowes...)

Never too early

...nor too late for little birthday surprises! especially fro Anthro...

Ain't that darling? (as people down here would say) And a good inspiration for easy homemade birthday cards!

Friday, 3 September 2010


Remember few winters ago how Jessica from WIW rocked her purple suede (Payless) boots and matching tights? (Sorry, I couldn't find the picture)
I have been looking since then for mid high heel suede shoes. I have also been looking for mid high heel wedges for a while...well, it seems I have finally found this
rare bird combined in one! The purple version seems yummy too! And no, I don't need nor like those huge heels nobody kows how to walk with. Keep your painful feet and back, and your ridiculous clumsy bended knee walk. I'll keep my style. :-)