Tuesday, 7 December 2010

A credenza story

Moving in, means often rediscovering your furniture and stuff after months - sometimes years ;-)- after packing them.
While I'm already longing (only couple of months to go girl!) for our two IKEA
Torsbys which you have seen in this previous post and will soon be sailing somewhere over the Atlantic, I bumped into this beauty....

Hmm should be too difficult to create with a neutral sideboard, a handy hand and few wood boards. And while I was strolling in the cabinet aisle, here are few other suggestions :
(from CB2)
(from IKEA)

Btw, if anybody knows exactly the difference between credenza and sideboard, feel free to comment...I haven't checked that yet.

[edit: Réré, I might directly ask you since not a lot of people are stopping here....what do you think?]

Not a clue... I've never used 'credenza' and don't think I've ever heard it in the Uk either.
Funny though, I almost bought the white Ikea cabinet!! (love the first one)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Where is that first "credenza" from please...........I am in love with it!!